Heidi celebrates NHS visa reform success

I’m delighted the Government recently announced their intention to ease restrictions on foreign doctors and nurses coming to work in the NHS.  Following on from my question to the Prime Minister on Wednesday 14th March, numerous MPs joined me in writing to the Home Secretary, Health Secretary and Prime Minister asking that the Tier 2 Visa process be reviewed.  

After listening to NHS staff in my constituency, I urged the Home Secretary to consider a bespoke NHS policy that would allow more doctors and nurses from abroad to join our NHS whilst we develop a more robust UK based recruitment and training drive. I asked that doctors be exempted altogether from the Tier 2 visa system.

Addenbrooke’s in particular desperately need to recruit more doctors and the easing of this cap will go a long way to helping them meet their staffing requirements. 

Our NHS needs skilled clinical workers to deliver services safely, effectively and within budget.  This policy change is a welcome signal from the government that they understand the pressures faced by the NHS and are determined to tackle them.

Thank you to everyone who has worked with me to achieve this - it has truly been a team effort!

You can find a link to my letter below.